Real Estate Studies at Boston University's Center for Professional Education

Classes will be remote in 2024!

Learn more at an Information Session  

All classes will be begin 6:00 PM with students using the Blackboard learning platform and the Zoom interactive communication tool for live instruction.

Schedule of Semester Classes

Our Program

A competitive market requires constant adaptation to stay ahead. For four decades, Boston University's Real Estate Studies Program has led the industry by challenging existing frameworks and introducing thoughtful new ideas.

BU’s Center for Professional Education offers three comprehensive programs covering an assortment of topics related to the real estate industry. Our faculty—made up of practicing professionals from a wide variety of specialties—bring firsthand knowledge and expertise to the classroom.

The Real Estate Studies Program offers certificates in the following topics:

Summaries of the programs and course descriptions are in this brochure.


We are affiliated with the Real Estate Finance Association (REFA) of the Greater Boston Real Estate Board (GBREB).

Program Details

Program Dates

A variety of courses are offered three times a year: September, January, and April. Most courses run for eight weeks.  Watch for the next schedule of classes to post soon.


There are no specific requirements to enroll in the Real Estate Studies Program. Students may take all of the required courses for a certificate, or opt for a single course.

When You Complete the Program

When you have successfully completed your core and elective courses as outlined by your program, please complete the CPE Certificate Program Completion Information form found under the Student Information tab.

Get a Head Start on a Master’s in City Planning

MET Course Waivers for those students who completed a certificate in either Commercial Real Estate and Real Estate Finance.  CPE certificate holders will be granted a waiver of two graduate-level elective courses (8 credits) toward the 48 credit hour Master of City Planning.  

For more information on BU’s City Planning program, please call 617-353-3025 or visit For more information on the certificate in Commercial Real Estate or Real Estate Finance, please call the Center for Professional Education at 617-353-4497.

COVID and Real Estate Interrupted Webinar Series

  • In the spring of 2020, the Real Estate Studies program offered a 7-part webinar series on the future of the industry in the age of the coronavirus.  

Online Program Status

  • Commercial Real Estate Practice (OCRE) - Effective May 20, 2020, the online program was suspended.  We will allow substitutions of other courses in our Real Estate curriculum to help students complete their certificate.  Historic information, including course descriptions, is available here.  
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