I have an account already

Enrolled and Returning Students to CPE

As a reminder, your username is the email address that you used at the time of registration.  To check, type in your username/or forgot username to request your username and/or reset  your password. The password reset link will be valid for 12 hours.

Valid passwords in this system must be at least 10 - 15 characters long, contain at least two capital letters, a number, and a symbol (!*+-_/).

This system is not connected to Online Campus/Blackboard (https://onlinecampus.bu.edu) or other BU systems, and you may have two different passwords.  

Once logged in to MyCPE, you can see your classes in My Enrollment History, pay invoices in My Invoices, or print a receipt in My Account.  When your class ends (starting on the class' last day), go to the Completed tab to view/print grades.  More information about accessing your grades is available here.

When you enroll in a class and pay for it, as a security message, you will be asked to login again to confirm your identity.

If you took a class with CPE before July 2019, and you need a transcript, please complete this form here.

Troubleshooting tips:

I am a new user

New Student with CPE - Welcome!

**** If you have prior affiliation with Boston University, including being an alum, taken a class, were accepted, are a parent of a student, work(ed) at BU, please let us know before you create your account.  You can call us at 617-353-4497 or email us at cpe@bu.edu.  ****

Please enter your primary email address to continue (we recommend it not be business email).  This will be your username for MyCPE.  

If you are taking a class online, and you received an enrollment confirmation from Boston University, please log in as a Returning Student.  You already have a record tied to the email that you used when you enrolled in the class.  You may need to request a password reset link.  The password reset link will be valid for 12 hours.

Valid passwords in MyCPE must be at least 10 - 15 characters long, contain at least two capital letters, a number, and a symbol (!*+-_/).

When you enroll in a class and pay for it, as a security message, you will be asked to login again to confirm your identity.

Troubleshooting tips:

Information about creating your account.

If you took a class with CPE before July 2019, and you need a transcript, please complete this form here.

Required fields are indicated by .