
Course Description

BU’s Genealogy Practicum combines two facets of learning: (1) course content focused on writing genealogical work products and (2) unique research cases spanning different geographic areas, time periods, and ethnicities. Guided by BU’s esteemed instructors, students will put their research skills into practice by working on five unique cases (10 days for each case) and will develop a specific written work product to showcase their work on each case.

On the opening day of each module, a live session will take place where the instructor introduces the research case and the parameters and guidelines for research. Students will be able to ask clarifying questions during the live session. Students are required to either attend the live session or watch the recording.

The instructional team provides written feedback to each student on the work product submitted, focusing on how they developed the work product. Students will learn more about the resolution to the case in a live classroom session on the final day of the module. Students who successfully complete the course will receive a letter of completion.


Module One: Research Planning

Learn how to approach a research problem by analyzing the starting point information, identifying available sources, and then developing a comprehensive research plan that identifies specific details about the sources to be searched.

Module Two: Research Logs

Learn to methodically record key information about the sources that have been examined, information extracted from those sources, and the analysis of that source in the context of the research question/goal of the case.

Module Three: Genealogical Compilations

Learn about genealogical compilations to organize familial relationships and document kinship within a family. Students will work on a case that involves research focused on placing individuals correctly within a family, and will develop a genealogical summary showing their work.

Module Four: Proof Discussions

Learn strategies for developing proof discussions, and conduct research on a case that requires the development of a proof argument to answer the research question.

Module Five: Research Reports

To wrap up the course, students will learn best practices for developing genealogical research reports, and will resolve a case by presenting their findings and conclusions in report format.

Recommended Time Commitment: 15-20 hours/week*

*This time commitment is based on individual knowledge and experience in the field.

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Genealogical Practicum
Online, fixed date
Mar 11, 2025 to Apr 28, 2025
Contact Hours
Delivery Options
Cohort Online  
Course Fee(s)
OGEN Tuition non-credit $995.00 Click here to get more information
Available for Credit
3.3 units
Reading List / Textbook

All required texts are listed below.

To order your books, please use the BU Bookstore.  
- Start on the “Find Course Materials” page: 
- Select Spring '25 On Campus from the Term menu

  • Please note: You must select On Campus even though your course is online. This is how the BU Bookstore lists CPE courses

- Select CPE GEN from the Department menu  

  • This menu is alphabetical. CPE is directly below COM

- Select 185 in the Course menu
- Select OL in the Section menu
- Click Retrieve Materials

Section Notes

The Genealogical Research Practicum course utilizes our Online Campus (Blackboard) for all course content. Students enrolled in Online Campus will see two courses – Orientation and Genealogical Research Practicum – on their Courses Dashboard on the day each course opens. 
Orientation will open and appear on the Online Campus Courses Dashboard on March 4 at 10:00am ET. Orientation is designed to help you navigate Online Campus, submit assignments and assessments, post to Discussion Boards, and communicate with your instructors. Orientation is mandatory and must be completed before you begin your course. 
NOTE: Orientation is not program specific. Students registered in CPE programs are enrolled in Orientation together. 
Your Genealogical Research Practicum course will open and appear on the Courses Dashboard in Online Campus on March 11 at 10:00am ET.  
You will receive additional information on creating your Boston University account and accessing Online Campus once you have successfully registered for a course. The email you use to register for a course will be your username for your BU account. Please create your account and complete orientation before your course start date. 
When enrolling in the Genealogical Research Practicum course you will be asked about any prior affiliation with Boston University. You must complete the Prior Affiliation section of the registration form. Any prior affiliation with Boston University that is not noted in your registration can prevent access to Online Campus when your course opens. 

Section Materials
  • Textbook (Mandatory) Genealogy Standards by Board for Certification of Genealogists 2 edition ISBN 978-1684423521
  • Textbook (Mandatory) Professional Genealogy: Preparation, Practice & Standards by Elizabeth Shown Mills © 2018 Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc. ISBN 978-0806320724
  • Textbook (Mandatory) Numbering Your Genealogy by Joan F. Curran, Madilyn Coen Crane, and John H. Wray © 2008 National Genealogical Society Quarterly ISBN 978-0915156970
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